Overlord is a Japanese anime television series based on the eponymous light novel series written by Kugane Maruyama and illustrated by SoBin The series was produced by Madhouse under the direction of Naoyuki Itō, script composition by Yukie Sugawara, and music composed by Shūji Katayama Overlord first aired in Japan on ATX from July 7 to with概要 町田そのこにとっては4作目の作品にあたる作品であると同時に、初の長編小説となった 。 タイトルは、他の鯨からは聞き取れない高い周波数で鳴き、懸命に歌っても仲間に気が付かれないため「世界でもっとも孤独なクジラ」といわれている52ヘルツの鯨からとられている 。Overlord is a dark fantasy anime based on its Japanese novel counterpart written by Kugane Maruyama Season 1 of Overlord was a series of thirteen episodes that premiered in Summer 15 and it covers the first three volumes of the light novels Produced by Madhouse and directed by Naoyuki Itou, the anime adaptation began airing from July 7 to
一握りの希望 ニコニコ静画 イラスト